Prompted by mrstegeman, I have written a walkthrough which uses the Synology Docker Gui and does not require SSH access.
Now I don't know what to do with it. Could it be useful to some people? If yes, should I move it somewhere or what?
Clearly, the Note: "You may need to replace both occurrences of ttyACM0 with ttyACM0" is a weakness. It would be better if it could clarify which dongle brands need ttyACM0 and which need ttyACM0.
Prompted by mrstegeman, I have written a walkthrough which uses the Synology Docker Gui and does not require SSH access. Now I don't know what to do with it. Could it be useful to some people? If yes, should I move it somewhere or what? Clearly, the Note: "You may need to replace both occurrences of ttyACM0 with ttyACM0" is a weakness. It would be better if it could clarify which dongle brands need ttyACM0 and which need ttyACM0.