I experience this problem quite regularly and just found an explanation in the Overview.md.
I just would like to have this issue to subscribe for possible changes on the progress.
Currently, there is only a single queue of outgoing commands, and sometimes this causes problems. The way the command queue works, there are often waits for a particular response is received before the next command can be sent. What can happen is that a single device which has decided to go quiet can "hang" the queue for a while until things timeout.
Possible fix:
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It would be better if there were a queue for each device. Then a non-responding device wouldn't hang up other devices.
I found that it should be the errors
AF SRSP for cmd 1 status error 16!
AF SRSP for cmd 1 status error 17!
it is related to the zMemError and ZBufferFull of the USB dongle
I experience this problem quite regularly and just found an explanation in the Overview.md.
I just would like to have this issue to subscribe for possible changes on the progress.
Possible fix: