WebUtils / Platform

The WebUtils Platform
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Offline guidance #19

Closed chrisalexander closed 9 years ago

chrisalexander commented 9 years ago

So far as I'm aware, offline is still a bit of a mess (when it comes to caching resources etc.)

Try and find out what the best practice is these days and incorporate it into a sample app if its not insane (cough offline manifests).

stuartlangridge commented 9 years ago

We don't want to encourage use of app cache, I don't think, because it sucks. But nobody supports service workers yet. Not sure what to do here.

chrisalexander commented 9 years ago

So these two pages seem the best / most recently updated appcache guides:

http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/appcache/beginner/ http://alistapart.com/article/application-cache-is-a-douchebag

While there are certainly a long list of hugely irritating downsides, for a single page app and with the right guidance it shouldn't be rocket science to get right.

I think I will give appcache a go at some point on one of the demos and see if I can produce something useful.

mahemoff commented 9 years ago

Current situation:

My vote would be to encourage app cache for now, because:

chrisalexander commented 9 years ago

One note that is worth bearing in mind - what browsers are we actually aiming at here? Chrome for Android is one obvious one, presumably Safari for iOS too though I don't have anything handy to actually run tests on. In which case it might be possible to move to serviceworker sooner if the support becomes available. But I concur with the "appcache for now"

stuartlangridge commented 9 years ago

A reasonable policy. If the base template encourages Angular (and that's what I used for the two apps I did) then we'll need local Angular rather than google cache angular. Note that the currency converter does work offline; it ships with a base set of rate conversions and then updates them online if it can. So I think that it would be an OK thing for offline too... and once we start incorporating offline support into things, I think it would be reasonable to dictate that the webutils all have to work offline to warrant inclusion.

Realistically we have to include iOS Safari; if we build things which don't work on the iPhone then half the people in the world can't use it...

chrisalexander commented 9 years ago

As per #1 - open issues against repos that closed previous requests in order to add offline support for them, once this has been figured out.

mahemoff commented 9 years ago

Ah, cool currency converter works offline. I guess in that case you could use some grayscale effect or whatever to indicate stale data (a useful convention too). It's definitely useful offline as a travel app.

Agree about requiring offline support. Even apps that rely on being offline can show basic setup data (e.g. IM and streaming media) and indicate they're offline.

stuartlangridge commented 9 years ago

That's what the "updated" figure means; it's how long ago that rate was definitely correct...

chrisalexander commented 9 years ago

I have added offline support to Compass, and I will attempt to come up with some guidance on doing it for simple apps, perhaps on the wiki.

chrisalexander commented 9 years ago

I have started on this here: https://github.com/WebUtils/Platform/wiki/Offline-support-in-WebUtils

chrisalexander commented 9 years ago

The wiki has been played around with and given an example (for "always offline") app (which involved actually building one first). I have created #20 and #21 to do the other two app types, when we get round to building those app types.

stuartlangridge commented 9 years ago

Calculator app is now changed to work offline, with appcache. This involved having local copies of angular and the chosen web font, and a cache manifest. See https://github.com/stuartlangridge/webutils-calculator/commit/81a0926f3292745ddf5a8690f43d8599aa67af4b.