WebWeWant / webwewant.fyi

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to get more user functionality than google's chrome team #502

Open WebWeWantBot opened 2 years ago

WebWeWantBot commented 2 years ago

title: to get more user functionality than google's chrome team date: 2021-10-14T02:56:41.432Z submitter: Tom Microsoft-is-a-pain number: 61679c69d23b5d368c51c813 tags: [ ] discussion: https://github.com/WebWeWant/webwewant.fyi/discussions/ status: [ discussing || in-progress || complete ] related:

MS is nowhere near the google play store. User functionality needs to include 1 -tranquility reader as in firefox extension add-on 2- access youtube videos but truly block their popups 3-search BY VOICE but not use cortana 4-translate language feature that chrome already has 5-remove one drive functionality so local users can use edge as a default browser

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