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Time control / Time calculation #512

Open WebWeWantBot opened 2 years ago

WebWeWantBot commented 2 years ago

title: Time control / Time calculation date: 2021-11-23T07:27:59.581Z submitter: fish number: 619c97ffa8f928ba82042380 tags: [ ] discussion: https://github.com/WebWeWant/webwewant.fyi/discussions/ status: [ discussing || in-progress || complete ] related:

  1. control can't be clearly set by developer, I want to use this control to make user input time easilly. But I find I can't get how will this control be shown in UI, testing in different browsers, it shows different control ( firefox : clock time control with AM/PM, others: digital clock with or without AM/PM), but whether it ask users to choose AM/PM, it always shown as a time format 12-hour. I have check the mobile system setting, it's 24-hour format! I have no idea why it shown differenct format control and different format UI textbox. With 12-hour format, my textbox width is not enough. Have to modify with and make a certain pattern to check, user can't select time by control, must keyin themselfves.

  2. Javascript time function is too simple, all the time calculation must turn to millonseconds and then calculate. And the there is not timespan object like c#, that make develops add a Date then parse. Of course, I can use third-party lib, but actually, I only need a time span, HH:MM, use the lib is too heavy. I believe in many cases, we only cares about the time, and no need the date, want to see more time helper function in Javascirpt.

If posted, this will appear at https://webwewant.fyi/wants/619c97ffa8f928ba82042380/