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Chat Room? #2

Open AMPITUP opened 10 years ago

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

Should there be a chat room in the website? We could either do a login page as well, or whenever somebody chats, they just write they're name. I was thinking of doing Parse for this. Any thoughts?

Bibliofile commented 10 years ago

Login is a good idea as can avoid spam bots that way (I'm assuming manual setting up of accounts so no captcha needed)

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago

I was thinking of using Parse. I don't think it'll be that hard and I don't have any idea how to make manual account setup without making JS or PHP that a hacker can see by looking at the page source.

Bibliofile commented 10 years ago

Oh yea... Totally forgot about view source... facepalm

AMPITUP commented 10 years ago
