Webador / SlmMail

Send mail from Laminas or Mezzio using external mail services.
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laminas/laminas-mail has been abandoned #162

Open marclaporte opened 1 month ago

marclaporte commented 1 month ago

https://github.com/laminas/laminas-mail/blob/2.26.x/README.md https://github.com/laminas/technical-steering-committee/blob/main/meetings/minutes/2023-12-04-TSC-Minutes.md

roelvanduijnhoven commented 1 month ago

Mm that sucks @marclaporte. Thanks for bringing that my attention. Weird that there is no rationale to be found about the move.

This package builds quite heavily on top of that package. So I don't think this repo will / should diverge onto something else.

I guess we can just keep this package around for now. And keep depending on the abandon ware. Although maybe we should make note of that on the repo page?

marclaporte commented 1 month ago

Weird that there is no rationale to be found about the move.

@weierophinney is the Matthew referenced here: "Matthew indicated that he feels without anybody who can commit to maintaining it, and nobody on the team with security experience in this particular area, it may actually be a disservice to end users to commit to security patches." Source: https://github.com/laminas/technical-steering-committee/blob/main/meetings/minutes/2023-12-04-TSC-Minutes.md

marclaporte commented 1 month ago

For analysis:

Other users of laminas-mail: https://packagist.org/packages/laminas/laminas-mail/dependents?order_by=downloads

Other users of slm/mail: https://packagist.org/packages/slm/mail/dependents?order_by=downloads

Also, the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware project uses: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/blob/24.x/vendor_bundled/composer.json#L139 https://doc.tiki.org/Transactional-Email-Providers