WebbROI / attachments-io

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DigitalOcean #28

Open akodkod opened 10 years ago

akodkod commented 10 years ago

@CaseyA , @mordamax

Recently, I don't like Heroku. Because Heroku has troubles with database connections, logging and stats load of app.

I've searched the alternatives. And I'm stopped at the OceanDigital, I'm wanna to try it. You guys do not mind?

CaseyA commented 10 years ago

Per Alex,

"1. I can not see the statistics of the load on the application. How much it takes RAM, traffic uses , etc. 2 . View and create logs on Heroku has some difficult. I can not properly test the functionality on the live. 3 . Database limitations on the number of records and connections. 4 . We can got problem with lack of available space. Because before you download files on the user Drive, we will first download them to your server. 5 . And other stuff.

I think Heroku more good for small projects such as Sheriff Members , but not for attachments.io"

CaseyA commented 10 years ago

Digital Ocean, so hot right now. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhc6CRgwkqg

Looks like you guys are going to try DO and see if it's better than Heroku. Please keep me posted and provide log-in info.

akodkod commented 10 years ago

@CaseyA, @mordamax, @michaeleparkour,

Hi guys, I'm rebased "attachments.io" to DigitalOcean. I'm picked first plan for developing.

At this time, it's working in development mode, not production. I need some time to set it up. Also, I'm installed Capistrano for deploy to production.

You can look at this:

Credentials: IP: ROOT: i think working on root for all, it's not best way. if you wanna I'm will create for you new system user PATH: /home/rails/current - current version of app /home/rails/releases - previous versions

Some SSH commands: Restart server:

sudo service nginx restart
sudo service unicorn restart
# Rails server was start automatically

Check unicorn logs:

tail -f /home/unicorn/log/unicorn.log

Install bundels:

bundle install --deployment
akodkod commented 10 years ago


I finished setting up a app on hosting. Now, for testing we need to connect app.attachments.io domain. Because Google was blocked API requests from IP addresses as

For this you need to add this record to domain DNS:

app A

CaseyA commented 10 years ago

Looks like @mordamax added it. How is everything going on the project? Want me and Taylor to start testing?

CaseyA commented 10 years ago

Also, need me to put in the credit card details to pay for an account?

mordamax commented 10 years ago

ya added it today

akodkod commented 10 years ago

@CaseyA, nope, you can't test now. Because I have troubles with background jobs (synchronizations). I'm close to finish of installing new system of backgrounds jobs Resque and key-value store Redis. I think, I'm finished tomorrow. And you can start testing after this.

CaseyA commented 10 years ago

Cool. Btw, added our company credit card to the account and removed yours. Thanks for setting up.

akodkod commented 10 years ago

@CaseyA, @mordamax, @michaeleparkour,

Hi guys! I have a good news. I finished the installation and configuration of new modules. Now you can begin testing. Before testing, please, don't forget to delete old folder Attachments.IO in Google Drive.

CaseyA commented 10 years ago

Awesome. Testing it now.

Regarding the initial signup, can we add back the status bar? And any way to start showing results quickly? I'd like people to know/think something is happening in the background.

I will create a video that explains what is happening, so they are learning/distracted while the product is doing it's magic, but they need to know something is happening. Maybe we just need the video and status bar showing it's working. Even this page I think would show things better: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0b423pzs03 - And we can add a message like "You will receive an email shortly when the synchronization is complete." and we'll just automate an email to get sent 10 minutes later. Thoughts?

And can it auto-refresh the page when it's done synching?

CaseyA commented 10 years ago

And FYI, when I went to this page while signed in: http://app.attachments.io/profile/settings - I hit this: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0d223q08d8

akodkod commented 10 years ago

About progressbar: Max has said that will do this. I can make a static bar, which will be updated when the page is reloaded, just for sketch.

We can also deduce detailed information which letter is currently being processed, in which label , etc.

Yes, we can send the email that the synchronization is finished .

We also add automatic download information about synchronized letters without reloading the page. The user will see new uploaded attachments in real time.

I know about the error on the settings page, I will fix it.

akodkod commented 10 years ago

Today, I'm added progress bar, made little redesign of the main page and create more powerful system of logging.

Also try again view settings page, do you have the same error?

CaseyA commented 10 years ago

Nice. Thanks for the updates. Please let me know when I should check again. Thanks - Casey

CaseyA commented 10 years ago

Saw your 2nd comment. Just tested again. The Settings page looks good. I like the progress bar.

On the dropdown here, can you add a page that's called "Home" http://awesomescreenshot.com/00423wra20 and it takes people to app.attachments.io so they can see the logged in page? Also, can we can the logged in "Home" page URL something like /account so it has a unique URL?

Few small things: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0b723wrt27

Also, it didn't add download info without reloading. I believe you are working on that?

Looking good! Btw, how do you think Digital Ocean is compared to Heroku?

akodkod commented 10 years ago

About dropdown link "Home": we can just open http://attachments.io/ in the new tab? Or If you wanna, I can create page /account and use it as profile page. And on the root page / show welcome page.

I'm made changes on the profile page: http://take.ms/ctc0a With local time we have troubles, I think we can just use format "ago" for time.

Yes, we working with Max on the downloading info without reloading page. For the most part it depends by Max.

I think Digital Ocean is more better of Heroku. Using DigitalOcean allowed us to use more powerful components such as Redis and Resque.

CaseyA commented 10 years ago

Yeah, for "Home" I meant "Account" where people will see the page where all their attachments information is saved. I'd like the "/" root page to be the log-in page, then the "/account" page to be the profile/account page.

Regarding the local times, I like your solution with "ago" instead.

Please let me know when I can test the downloading without reloading signup.

What else needs to be done? Looking like we are getting there! :)