WebbyLab / itsquiz-wall

Isomorphic application written in React
MIT License
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Authorization: socialAuthURL/emailAuthURL #193

Open hienhuynhtm opened 7 years ago

hienhuynhtm commented 7 years ago

Hi team,

Currently, we config socialAuthURL/emailAuthURL to https://app.itsquiz.com, is this external webapp and no open source? How could I config authorization authorization in localhost, and redirect to itsquiz's profile page after success login.


koorchik commented 7 years ago

Hi @hienhuynhtm Yes, backend is not open sourced. But we just use passportjs stragtegies for socialAuth and then just use res.redirect for redirecting.

hienhuynhtm commented 7 years ago

Yeah, thanks for quick reply. One question: Graphql is great approach, why you don't use it instead of traditional REST API?