Webconverger / webc

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Improve installer to take wireless credentials #221

Open kaihendry opened 9 years ago

kaihendry commented 9 years ago

Breaking an install boot and entering say wpa-ssid=home wpa-psk=uiopzxcv is just too hard. This is what people would have to do if they had no chance of getting a wired connection going.

The steps currently are:

  1. Install Webconverger
  2. Hold ALT to edit syslinux boot line
  3. Boot and hopefully connect to wifi
  4. Create config with wifi settings and add terminal to config
  5. Reboot and ... hold ALT again to pass in the wifi settings
  6. Now Webconverger should be configured.

It really should be:

  1. Install Webconverger... if wlan0 detected prompt for essid and psk
  2. Write essid and psk to installed /etc/webc/cmdline
  3. Reboot and configure etc etc

WDYT @matthijskooijman ?

matthijskooijman commented 9 years ago

Write essid and psk to installed /etc/webc/cmdline

That won't work - that file comes from git. What would work is writing stuff to the bootloader config / kernel commandline, but then you would have to make sure that those settings are copied over to the new bootloader config on every upgrade. A general solution would be to use a keep_append option, already implemented here: https://github.com/bizplay/kiosk-os-chroot/commit/9d5b8368b3d34c263f2dd9665d6d865e889f19a4

kaihendry commented 8 years ago

Video here shows how clumsy the Wireless setup process is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8xR42iDQ2c