WebdevteamIG / blockchainvoting

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Calling the contract #9

Open saitejach127 opened 3 years ago

saitejach127 commented 3 years ago

Complete calling the functions using javascript and initialized web3 and public, private keys

meerhamzadev commented 3 years ago

Hey 👋, I want to contribute but I have no idea what to do. Can you guide me

saitejach127 commented 3 years ago

Hey, nice to see you want to contribute. I have mentioned some resources in readme do go through them for starters. If you don't understand much about it, Try looking into what blockchain actually is, for this you can refer to many youtube videos. If you want a structured course in the blockchain you can go through the Berkely course on blockchain.

meerhamzadev commented 3 years ago

Thanks 🖤