Webiks / GeoStrike

An online, real time, multi-player First Person Shooter video game, leveraging CesiumJS, 3D-Tiles and GraphQL. (Early Development Phase)
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Players shouldn't get killed after taking one hit #166

Open stavbsh opened 6 years ago

stavbsh commented 6 years ago

Players should be killed after they got shot four times (doesn't apply to background characters who are killed after a single hit).

Please add a player life bar to the username area as per the design below: life bar

Every hit the user gets should be display at life bar:

  1. first hit: 75% life left (life highlight color: #6FCF97 100%, track color: #ffffff, 26%) 75
  2. Second hit: 50% life left (life highlight color: #F2C94C 100%, track color: #ffffff, 26%) 50
  3. Third hit: 25% life left (life highlight color: #FEB5757 100%, track color: #ffffff, 26%) 25
  4. Fourth hit: 0% life left (track color: #ffffff, 26%) - should be displayed with a game over message 0 shooting mode 0

If the user have entered fpv/shooting mode, every hit should make the screen a bit blurry and display some blood splatter:

  1. No hits:shooting mode 100

  2. first hit: radial blur (external color: #000000 100%, internal color: #000000 0%), 25% + Blood Splatter 1 shooting mode 75

  3. Secound hit: radial blur (external color: #000000 100%, internal color: #000000 0%), 50% + Blood Splatter 2shooting mode 50

  4. Third hit: radial blur (external color: #000000 100%, internal color: #000000 0%), 75% + Blood Splatter 3shooting mode 25

Notice that the blood splatter images should be display in front of the radial blur and the gun image. Here's a zip file with the blood splatter images: Blood Splatter.zip

stavbsh commented 6 years ago

Each hit the player takes should be reflected in the overview mode.

Add a life bar to the user's marker label as per the image bellow:
