Webklex / php-imap

PHP-IMAP is a wrapper for common IMAP communication without the need to have the php-imap module installed / enabled. The protocol is completely integrated and therefore supports IMAP IDLE operation and the "new" oAuth authentication process as well.
MIT License
298 stars 141 forks source link

5.6.0 #498

Open mmarousez-dc opened 2 months ago

mmarousez-dc commented 2 months ago

Hello, I see that you have updates since 5.5.0 can you publish a new tag please ?

theMeiner commented 2 months ago

Yes pls. I need the new Version from nesbot/carbon to use the latest symfony parts

wagnerbugs commented 2 months ago

Yes. nesbot/carbon 3.6 (laravel 11)

RootKeek commented 2 months ago

Same here to use the latest symfony parts

marien-probesys commented 2 months ago

Note that, as a temporary solution, you can force Composer to use a newer version by specifying to use the master branch and pin the last commit:

"require": {
    "webklex/php-imap": "dev-master#6d999438d29ed0bb920cd897b200a3a5fd6b6380"

This allows you to use the latest version that uses Carbon 3 (ref https://github.com/Webklex/php-imap/issues/483) and allows you to upgrade to Symfony 7 if you need to.

You must be very careful with this! As you pin the version number, you will no longer get updates from patch/minor versions. You will not even get information about new version when running composer outdated. I strongly recommend you to configure a notification system to know when a new release is available (e.g. by following the RSS feed of the releases https://github.com/Webklex/php-imap/releases.atom)

Side note: if you use GitHub, you may receive a security alert from Dependabot about https://github.com/Webklex/php-imap/issues/416. The report is incorrect as you use a version of PHP-IMAP > 5.3. You can dismiss it.

theMeiner commented 2 months ago

But if you have required roave/security-advisories You will receive this

`Problem 1

Because of you branch-alias is set to version 1.0.x-dev*

When i try to req with version 1.0.x-dev, because is an alias, i get this

` Problem 1

You can update the alias to 5.5.* to avoid this right?

mariuszkrzaczkowski commented 1 month ago

When will the next version of the change be published?