WeblateOrg / helm

Helm Chart for Weblate
Apache License 2.0
28 stars 41 forks source link

Looking for a maintainer #348

Open nijel opened 1 year ago

nijel commented 1 year ago

Currently, this repo doesn't have an active maintainer. I try to keep it up-to-date, but my Kubernetes knowledge is close to zero, so I won't make many changes besides updating containers.

Want to help? Just pick one of the issues or pull requests and contribute.

Want to be in charge? I'm happy to give you control over this repo once you show reasonable contributions.

mrsimonemms commented 5 months ago

I've only come across Weblate this week, but I'd be interested in helping with this. I'd probably look at doing a complete overhaul of how this works, following the basic Bitnami structure (because that works well).

I've forked the repo and will do a proposed restructuring for your review and can then discuss how best to incorporate it with your feedback. My knowledge of the Weblate project is fairly limited, but the docs are good so that should help.

For the record, I've done quite a bit of Kubernetes work over the years and spoken(ish) at KubeCon.

nijel commented 5 months ago

@mrsimonemms That sounds great. Ask me if there is anything unclear. Once the changes are ready for review, we should try to get feedback from past contributors as well (here are recent non-bot pull requests: https://github.com/WeblateOrg/helm/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+-author%3Aapp%2Frenovate+-author%3Aapp%2Fpre-commit-ci++-author%3Aapp%2Fdependabot+)

oldboys92 commented 5 months ago

I use Weblate at work and I could help with testing helm chart releases.