Weblet-dex / Web

Web based content for integrating into Dex app
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[BUG] Input unresponsive #5

Open Weblet-dex opened 9 months ago

Weblet-dex commented 9 months ago

There is a warning called when initializing website. the third and fourth ones down from the image provided below:


This issue could be impacting the input throughout the entire site. I personally have noticed it and find it difficult to get past the intro a lot. Unsure if gsap animations just start slow (looks like they just use lerp which would make sense) but if so that is also making input <-> response feel slugish.

cryptocollider commented 9 months ago

yeh i think its mouse and/or animation listeners that are left over from integrating multiple threejs examples, even if we keep multiple canvas we probably should have one requestanimationframe function running and the mouse/touch listeners not being used removed