Open shubhodeep9 opened 7 years ago
If you guys think right, I can create a PR with the improvement.
Good morning, Dear @shubhodeep9.
How about to copy selectively a bunch of them.
Note: Clicking on "Copied" could be triggered to reset message.
Chicken style, they eat such way. :100:
@gvitalie I love the ideas, So if you may, I will start working on these. Cool?
:1st_place_medal: @shubhodeep9, yes, of course, at least I think it could be very interesting.
@gvitalie On it.
@gvitalie Hi, I can not find a documentation on usage, I mean how to execute the application. Can you help me out.
Fork it!
Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
Submit a pull request and enjoy! :D
@gvitalie that I know, 😜
I mean, how do you test it locally?
its not rails I guess, so how do you?
One second, I'll add some pictures.
With Atom, Sublime Text, etc...
I spend for reloading browser 1 sec per change,
How many seconds I'll spend, if I'll do 100 changes?
How many seconds I'll spend, if I'll spend 5 sec to reload a page and will do 100 changes?Q: How to reload page automatically, every time I've saved changes? A: BrowserSync! Our precious time is saved from trash! :1st_place_medal:
me@amadeus ~ $ cd /tmp
me@amadeus /tmp $ mkdir test && cd test
me@amadeus /tmp/test $ p5 g -b hello p5-manager version 0.3.2 create : hello create : hello/sketch.js create : hello/index.html create : hello/libraries create : hello/libraries/p5.js create : hello/libraries/p5.sound.js create : hello/libraries/p5.dom.js
me@amadeus /tmp/test $ cd hello/
me@amadeus /tmp/test/hello $ atom .
me@amadeus /tmp/test/hello $ tree -A . ├── index.html ├── libraries │ ├── p5.dom.js │ ├── p5.js │ └── p5.sound.js └── sketch.js
1 directory, 5 files
me@amadeus /tmp/test/hello $ browser-sync start --server -f . [Browsersync] Access URLs: ---------------------------------- Local: http://localhost:3000 External: ---------------------------------- UI: http://localhost:3001 UI External: ---------------------------------- [Browsersync] Serving files from: ./ [Browsersync] Watching files... [Browsersync] Reloading Browsers...
@gvitalie Cool Must add that to a issue, To create a section for usage.
@gvitalie yes got it running successfully, on the task. Will update you as I get it done. Its night here, so might take some time (been a long day 🤕 ). I will do it ASAP.
Dear @shubhodeep9, just to know, I'm a simple user here.
To not leave You with an impression I'm deciding person on this project. I'm saying this, to clarify at least for me You're not confused by me.
@gvitalie No worries, I guess in open source, there is only one level in hierarchy, that is contributors.
@shubhodeep9, ok :100:
I think, let the previous "Copied" tag be removed, when another emoji is clicked for copying. Only let there be single emoji with "Copied" tag beside it, that be the currently copied one. It will create a clear understanding whether which is copied. If you want to represent all the used emojis, let add visited.