Webperf-se / webperf_core

webperf-core is an open-source testing suite tailored to help you improve your digital presence in areas like web performance, security and accessibility to email best practice using many small improvements.
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CSS-test flags newer and valid lines as problems #706

Open krompaco opened 6 days ago

krompaco commented 6 days ago


This is a valid way of setting an empty value --tw-pan-x: ;.

.. but actually writing an empty value into a custom property, like --foo: ;, is a valid (empty) value


Running CSS-test in Docker with this version info:

cat package.json
  "name": "webperf_core",
  "version": "2024.11.3",
  "description": "You probably want to read the documentation available at homepage.",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "MIT",
  "homepage": "https://github.com/Webperf-se/webperf_core/",
  "dependencies": {
    "lighthouse": "12.2.1",
    "pa11y": "8.0.0",
    "sitespeed.io": "35.3.1",
    "vnu-jar": "23.4.11",
    "yellowlabtools": "3.0.1"
  "engines": {
    "node": "20.x"


/usr/src/runner$ python3 default.py -t 7 -u https://liramera.se -r
- CSS: “--tw-pan-x”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-pan-y”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-pinch-zoom”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-gradient-from-position”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-gradient-via-position”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-gradient-to-position”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-ordinal”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-slashed-zero”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-numeric-figure”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-numeric-spacing”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-numeric-fraction”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-ring-inset”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-blur”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-brightness”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-contrast”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-grayscale”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-hue-rotate”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-invert”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-saturate”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-sepia”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-drop-shadow”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-backdrop-blur”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-backdrop-brightness”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-backdrop-contrast”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-backdrop-grayscale”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-backdrop-hue-rotate”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-backdrop-invert”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-backdrop-opacity”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-backdrop-saturate”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- CSS: “--tw-backdrop-sepia”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)

CSS-file that get these errors: https://liramera.se/dist/styles.css?v=gh-issue

This is also discussed here: https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/discussions/8150

And here: https://github.com/w3c/css-validator/issues/405 - Seems to have led to this fix: https://github.com/w3c/css-validator/commit/9a54c0d93534d3a6d3415fff297d67fd5fcf91d1 Not sure in which release this would go to?

Other newer directives and techniques that are also flagged

marcuslindblom commented 5 days ago

Another issue is the @layer which is baseline but not recognized by the validator.

Also discussed here: https://github.com/w3c/css-validator/issues/410

I will add an example later to this comment

perlan commented 4 days ago

This comment describes the css-issues KTH has with the current css-test as of 2024-10-05:

Running python default.py -u https://www.kth.se -t 7 -r --setting details=true gives the following results when using the main branch of webperf core with commit 05cf8301c9e39549e500ff2ebc450fb31dfe3c8f:

# Testing website https://www.kth.se

## Test: 7 - CSS

Started: 2024-11-08 22:22:24
Finished: 2024-11-08 22:22:49

### Rating: 
- Overall: 4.44
- Standards: 4.44

### Review:

#### Overall:
- The CSS is good.
#### Standards:
- `<link rel="stylesheet">` in: #1: Webpage , number of grouped error type: 4 ( 4.20 rating )
- `<link rel="stylesheet">` in: #1: Webpage , number of errors: 30 ( 2.00 rating )
  - CSS: Unrecognized at-rule “@layer” (number of errors of this type: 12)
  - CSS: “margin”: “revert-layer” is not a “margin” value. (number of errors of this type: 3)
  - CSS: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 2)
  - CSS: “margin-bottom”: “revert-layer” is not a “margin-bottom” value. (number of errors of this type: 2)
  - CSS: “line-height”: “revert-layer” is not a “line-height” value. (number of errors of this type: 2)
  - CSS: “--bs-dropdown-box-shadow”: Parse Error. (number of errors of this type: 1)
  - CSS: “all”: “revert-layer” is not a “all” value. (number of errors of this type: 1)
  - CSS: “display”: “revert-layer” is not a “display” value. (number of errors of this type: 1)
  - CSS: “margin-top”: “revert-layer” is not a “margin-top” value. (number of errors of this type: 1)
  - CSS: “font-weight”: “revert-layer” is not a “font-weight” value. (number of errors of this type: 1)
  - CSS: “font-size”: “revert-layer” is not a “font-size” value. (number of errors of this type: 1)
  - CSS: “padding”: “revert-layer” is not a “padding” value. (number of errors of this type: 1)
  - CSS: “grid-template-columns”: “revert-layer” is not a “grid-template-columns” value. (number of errors of this type: 1)
  - CSS: “grid-gap”: “revert-layer” is not a “gap” value. (number of errors of this type: 1)
- `content-type=".*css.*"` in: #20: index.7aad2bf9., number of grouped error type: 2 ( 4.60 rating )
- `content-type=".*css.*"` in: #20: index.7aad2bf9., number of errors: 3 ( 4.70 rating )
  - CSS: “rotate”: Property “rotate” doesn't exist. (number of errors of this type: 2)
  - CSS: Unrecognized at-rule “@layer” (number of errors of this type: 1)

Note that the webpref core test also complain about the rotate property but that error is not present when running the validator directly.