WebsiteBeaver / CordovaCall

Cordova CallKit & ConnectionService plugin for iOS/Android that displays the native call UI for VOIP apps
MIT License
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[Question] App workflow / Initial Setup description #66

Open angel1st opened 5 years ago

angel1st commented 5 years ago

Hi there, I have two general questions:

  1. I am curious is there any step-by-step description of making / receiving a call workflow? My point is - I can see the method describtions, but still not quite sure how this exactly works... For example - I can see cordova.plugins.CordovaCall.sendCall('Daniel Marcus'); is supposed to send a call, but what Daniel Marcus is supposed to mean? If we are speacking of VOIP, the remote peer, has to be identified and call request to be send over the Internet to the recipient, hasn't it?
  2. Aside of adding the plugin to the app and having the two phones connected to the internet, is there anything else required to make call between two phones, e.g. setup of signaling server and etc?

Thanks in advance guys, I look forward hearing from you sooner than later.