WebxCT / WebCT

Interactive Web UI for X-ray CT with Real-time Results
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there is a error that "No module named 'spekpy'" after "npm run serve" #58

Closed CodingPanda87 closed 1 year ago

CodingPanda87 commented 1 year ago


WYVERN2742 commented 1 year ago

It looks like your environment failed to install correctly, did you use the environment.yml with conda/mamba?

An easy fix is to install spekpy with pip install git+https://bitbucket.org/spekpy/spekpy_release.git

Let me know if this helps, I'm currently working on a bundled distributable to make WebCT easy for end-users to run.

CodingPanda87 commented 1 year ago

Thanks very much for your help, it works by install packages in environnment.yml file.It is owesome, if thers is a a bundled distributable.

WYVERN2742 commented 1 year ago

Lovely! If you ever get the chance to post in discussions about your thoughts on WebCT (what was bad, what was good, etc) that'd be great and help make this tool better!