Wedmer / cargodock

A file manager for Sailfish devices
GNU General Public License v2.0
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have the app translated #24

Open legacychimera247 opened 1 month ago

legacychimera247 commented 1 month ago

Hello, i know the app is not mantained anymore, but if i translate it into my language would you at least release it with the new translation?

thank you

eson57 commented 1 month ago

You know you can have the app translated on your own device? Just compile your translated .ts file into .qm, and copy the .qm file to /usr/share/harbour-cargodock/translations. Then restart CargoDock.

legacychimera247 commented 1 month ago

Wait, what's qm and how do i do that?

eson57 commented 1 month ago

harbour-cargodock-<your-language-code>.qm is the file you get from compiling your translated harbour-cargodock-<your-language-code>.ts Compiling can be done directly in the translation program Qt Linguist, or with command lrelease harbour-cargodock-<your-language-code>.ts.

eson57 commented 1 month ago

If you need more help, you can PM me on sailfish forum, or here if you can find how to... I couldn't.

legacychimera247 commented 1 month ago

ah nice, in case i will translate this then i will write you on the forum, thank you

Wedmer commented 1 month ago

Can't add more as @eson57 have explained everything.