Weebly / weebly-client-php

A php client for using the Weebly Platform API
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Passing an array with and array in it to post() #3

Open emerika opened 9 years ago

emerika commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to create add a new product to my store:

PUT /v1/user/sites/SITE_ID/store/products/PRODUCT_ID Updates an existing product.

Required: name
Required: skus**

**skus should be an array of product skus. See Product Sku below for more details. price and product_type are required.

If I just embed an array inside the array of parameters do you expect that will work?

I'm getting this error: [message] => One or more skus are invalid.

If you can explain what needs to be done I'll make the changes test and give it back.

rchen1992 commented 8 years ago

We apologize for the late response. As this issue is related to the Weebly API rather than the PHP client itself, we would prefer if you emailed these kinds of questions to dev-support@weebly.com. We will be happy to help you there!

bdeanindy commented 6 years ago

@emerika was this issue resolved please?