WeeklyHackNight / project-ideas

List of Project Ideas to work on
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Keep Huntsville Weird Light Installation #6

Open NoelReverse opened 6 years ago

NoelReverse commented 6 years ago

I. Was thinking that we could create an art installation using projection mapping.

I was thinking of building a piece out of cardboard and painting it with non reflective paint and project various kinds of generative art. There would be an element of responding to music and ambient sound.

Using Unity or Unreal build something that responds to midi and sounds.

End Goal 1 hr experience, with fifteen minutes being "scripted" or planned, and the rest of it being a live demonstration of the audio reactions using generative art.

Some basic Supplies

Power Speakers Matte white paint Tons of cardboard boxes

Designers Needed Music producer(Matt & Patrick) Digital artists(Leon & Georgie) Coders & Developers

Leon Kennedy fredlkennedy@gmail.com Matt Brook matt@bewleafdigital.org Patrick Phillips pxpz.phillips@gmail.com Georgie thatweirdblackgirl@gmail.com Susan Spencer Susan.spencee@gmail.com

NoelReverse commented 6 years ago

8.5x8.5x8.5ft Prices for paint

mbrooks commented 6 years ago

Link to this in trello: https://trello.com/invite/b/T95tsHHt/7cc8d8f134bcf6540dc7f915e39ab3be/light-installation

slspencer commented 6 years ago

My email is susan.spencer AT gmail.com I'll bring the projector next week.

mbrooks commented 6 years ago


slspencer commented 6 years ago


mjcarroll commented 6 years ago

Projection mapping is my jam, ya'll. I've been looking at doing a project like this for a while. Could help out from the software side.

NoelReverse commented 6 years ago

Tutorials & Random Links to software:

Unity Microphone Documentation: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-Microphone.html

Unity Microphone API https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Microphone.html

Grabbing Amplitude of Sound, Unity http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/1167177/how-do-i-get-the-current-volume-level-amplitude-of.html

Line Renderer API, Unity https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-LineRenderer.html

Trail Renderer API, Unity https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-TrailRenderer.html


slspencer commented 6 years ago

I loaned two projectors (one is Dell the other is Panasonic) to use for testing this project. @mbrooks has them now. They both need SVGA to HDMI video cables.

mbrooks commented 6 years ago

Added a starter unity project here: https://github.com/WeeklyHackNight/projection-art-experiment

mbrooks commented 6 years ago


So, we built this giant pyramid!