Weeks-UNC / shapemapper2

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bbmap 38.x version :: error #18

Open EricDeveaud opened 3 years ago

EricDeveaud commented 3 years ago


shapemapper says to use bbmap >= 37.78 however when using bbmap/38.79 shapemapper run_example.sh exit with following error message

Component "Merger" (sample:Modified) status: failed (return code 0)

java -ea -Xmx1000m -Xms1000m -Djava.library.path=/opt/gensoft/exe/bbmap/38.79/libexec/jni/ -cp /opt/gensoft/exe/bbmap/38.79/libexec/current/ jgi.BBMerge vstrict=t in=stdin out=stdout outu=stdout interleaved=t usejni=t t=4
Executing jgi.BBMerge [vstrict=t, in=stdin, out=stdout, outu=stdout, interleaved=t, usejni=t, t=4]
Version 38.79

Revised arguments: [maxbad=4, margin=3, minqo=8, qualiters=2, ratiomode=t, flatmode=f, minentropy=52, minoverlap=12, minoverlap0=4, maxratio=0.05, ratiomargin=12, ratiooffset=0.5, ratiominoverlapreduction=4, efilter=2, pfilter=0.008, minsecondratio=0.16, minapproxoverlap=22, in=stdin, out=stdout, outu=stdout, interleaved=t, usejni=t, t=4]

Set threads to 4
Writing mergable reads merged.
Unspecified format for output stdout; defaulting to fastq.
Unspecified format for output stdout; defaulting to fastq.
Started output threads.
Unspecified format for input stdin; defaulting to fastq.
Exception in thread "Thread-4" java.lang.AssertionError
        at jgi.BBMerge$MateThread.processReads(BBMerge.java:1694)
        at jgi.BBMerge$MateThread.run(BBMerge.java:1683)
Exception in thread "Thread-7" java.lang.AssertionError
        at jgi.BBMerge$MateThread.processReads(BBMerge.java:1694)
        at jgi.BBMerge$MateThread.run(BBMerge.java:1683)
Exception in thread "Thread-6" java.lang.AssertionError
        at jgi.BBMerge$MateThread.processReads(BBMerge.java:1694)
        at jgi.BBMerge$MateThread.run(BBMerge.java:1683)
Exception in thread "Thread-5" java.lang.AssertionError
        at jgi.BBMerge$MateThread.processReads(BBMerge.java:1694)
        at jgi.BBMerge$MateThread.run(BBMerge.java:1683)
Total time: 0.291 seconds.

Pairs:                  0
Joined:                 0               NaN%
Ambiguous:              0               NaN%
No Solution:            0               NaN%
Too Short:              0               NaN%

Avg Insert:             NaN
Standard Deviation:     0.0
Mode:                   0

Insert range:           999999999 - 0
90th percentile:        0
75th percentile:        0
50th percentile:        0
25th percentile:        0
10th percentile:        0

works fine with bbmap-37.78 as expected also works fine with bbmap-36.11

