Weeks-UNC / shapemapper2

Public repository for ShapeMapper 2 releases
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Low alignment percentage #39

Open herber4 opened 1 year ago

herber4 commented 1 year ago

Hi Weeks lab,

I am trying to snapshot whole transcriptome dms-mapseq data by mapping to a highly expressed transcript in our controls. We are getting extremely low - to almost 0% - alignment using shapemapper2. Do you have any idea as to what's going on?

Our data is paired-end, nexterra prepped from the whole transcriptome with a dms treatment of ~1%. Do I need to align outside of shape mapper and use the shapemapper_txome ?



Psirving commented 1 year ago

I have never used shapemapper_txome, but I can help you troubleshoot ShapeMapper2. However, I'll need more detail. What is the goal here, what do you mean by "snapshot"? Are your libraries ribosome-depleted or mRNA-enriched in any way? What is "almost 0%" exactly? How many reads align, and how many reads were collected? What percentage alignment were you expecting?

A few initial thoughts: