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Modular Workflow: Error CIGAR string incorrectly formatted #56

Open Adele-Mangelinck opened 1 month ago

Adele-Mangelinck commented 1 month ago


I have generated SHAPE-MaP data with the use of Oxford Nanopore Technology sequencing. As recommended in Shapemapper documentation, I have performed alignment separately and am now trying to run the modular workflow. I have tried two options that lead to errors when running shapemapper_mutation_parser module.

Option 1: minimap2 -ax splice --MD reference.fa sequences.fastq.gz > alignment.sam shapemapper_mutation_parser -i alignment.sam -o parsed_alignment.mut --input_is_unpaired Error: CIGAR string incorrectly formatted

Option 2: minimap2 -ax splice --MD --eqx reference.fa sequences.fastq.gz > alignment.sam shapemapper_mutation_parser -i alignment.sam -o parsed_alignment.mut --input_is_unpaired Error: MD tag does not match CIGAR string at explicit match operator ('=').

Does anyone have an idea? Thank you in advance for your help.