Ouch: "Black" is not a valid background option. Please use a color from the supported stack: [ transparent | black | red | green | yellow | blue | magenta | cyan | white | blackBright | redBright | greenBright | yellowBright | blueBright | magentaBright | cyanBright | whiteBright ]
I have been that there is a pull request in April that fix this problem.
Ouch: "Black" is not a valid background option.
I try to startup the comand, and throw the error:
Ouch: "Black" is not a valid background option. Please use a color from the supported stack: [ transparent | black | red | green | yellow | blue | magenta | cyan | white | blackBright | redBright | greenBright | yellowBright | blueBright | magentaBright | cyanBright | whiteBright ]
I have been that there is a pull request in April that fix this problem.