WeiTang114 / MVCNN-TensorFlow

An Multi-View CNN (MVCNN) implementation with TensorFlow.
MIT License
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Hi! have you tried implement MVCNN based on VGG 19 not the Alexnet? #12

Open yifanfeng97 opened 6 years ago

yifanfeng97 commented 6 years ago

I used Tensorflow, and i was besed on VGG19. But I just got the OOM error! I had reused the variable in the loop! I used TITAN X.

youkaichao commented 6 years ago

I was also wandering. In the paper, the author use VGG-M and VGG-VD. So why many people implement it using AlexNet?(the Caffe implementation uses AlexNet as well)

WeiTang114 commented 6 years ago

My reason is I had difficulty finding usable pretrained weight for VGG-M (and can be converted for Tensorflow) when I began this project 😅. (VGG-M was implemented in matconvnet)

WeiTang114 commented 6 years ago

@XDUfyf I haven't tried VGG19. Did you try reducing the batch size?

yifanfeng97 commented 6 years ago

@WeiTang114 I have tried reducing the batch size, and I set batch size with 1. It did not work, too.

At the same time, I met a strange problem. when I tried train with single view not multi-view(based on VGG19, my multi-view didn't work. so I temporarily use single view as input ) in ModelNet40. If I set batch size as 64 ,training would get nan in step 404. however I set batch size as 16, training would get nan in step 1619( 64 = 164 and 1619 = 4044). No matter how many times I run. It would get same result. My loss curve is normal. environment: Tensorflow, Python3, TITAN X , Cuda 8.


error 1


paulcx commented 6 years ago

The resnet 101 is definitely a good choice to try for better performance.

foxfromworld commented 6 years ago

Hi, Can we train our model from scratch without the pretrained AlexNet model? Thanks!