WeiTang114 / MVCNN-TensorFlow

An Multi-View CNN (MVCNN) implementation with TensorFlow.
MIT License
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Problem with running #3

Open sportbilly13 opened 7 years ago

sportbilly13 commented 7 years ago

Hello Wei I quite new in neural networks. I tried to run the code with not many data just to see how it will run and I am getting this error ValueError: Dimensions must be equal, but are 48 and 27 for 'conv2/Conv2D' (op: 'Conv2D') with input shapes: [?,27,27,48], [?,27,27,48]. I am running in Puthon3.5. Thanks Vasilis

WeiTang114 commented 7 years ago

@sportbilly13 Could you paste more messages? At which line do you get this error? The model does not use channel 48 at any layer so this is weird.

sportbilly13 commented 7 years ago

The console I am getting start loading data dataset inited total size: 4 dataset inited total size: 4 done loading data, time= 0.0006747245788574219 train() called training size: 4 conv1 [None, 55, 55, 96] pool1 [None, 27, 27, 96] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/common_shapes.py", line 671, in _call_cpp_shape_fn_impl input_tensors_as_shapes, status) File "/usr/lib/python3.5/contextlib.py", line 66, in exit next(self.gen) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/errors_impl.py", line 466, in raise_exception_on_not_ok_status pywrap_tensorflow.TF_GetCode(status)) tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Dimensions must be equal, but are 48 and 27 for 'conv2/Conv2D' (op: 'Conv2D') with input shapes: [?,27,27,48], [?,27,27,48].

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 190, in main(sys.argv) File "train.py", line 179, in main train(dataset_train, dataset_val, FLAGS.weights, FLAGS.caffemodel) File "train.py", line 57, in train fc8 = model.inferencemultiview(view, globals.NUM_CLASSES, keepprob) File "/home/sportbilly/workspace/mvcnn/model.py", line 142, in inference_multiview conv2 = _conv('conv2', pool1, [5, 5, 96, 256], group=2, reuse=reuse) File "/home/sportbilly/workspace/mvcnn/model.py", line 88, in _conv output_groups = [convolve(i,k) for i, k in zip(input_groups, kernel_groups)] File "/home/sportbilly/workspace/mvcnn/model.py", line 88, in output_groups = [convolve(i,k) for i, k in zip(input_groups, kernel_groups)] File "/home/sportbilly/workspace/mvcnn/model.py", line 71, in convolve = lambda i, k: tf.nn.conv2d(i,k,strides, padding=padding) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/gen_nn_ops.py", line 403, in conv2d data_format=data_format, name=name) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/op_def_library.py", line 768, in apply_op op_def=op_def) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 2338, in create_op set_shapes_for_outputs(ret) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 1719, in set_shapes_for_outputs shapes = shape_func(op) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 1669, in call_with_requiring return call_cpp_shape_fn(op, require_shape_fn=True) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/common_shapes.py", line 610, in call_cpp_shape_fn debug_python_shape_fn, require_shape_fn) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/common_shapes.py", line 676, in _call_cpp_shape_fn_impl raise ValueError(err.message) ValueError: Dimensions must be equal, but are 48 and 27 for 'conv2/Conv2D' (op: 'Conv2D') with input shapes: [?,27,27,48], [?,27,27,48].

I think in the def_conv the time it is called for the conv2 layer it gets in the else statement and stops at the line of output_groups = [convolve(i,k) for i, k in zip(input_groups, kernel_groups)] line 88 Thanks

WeiTang114 commented 7 years ago

@sportbilly13 Did you modify the input placeholder to a smaller size? (eg. 55x55 as I see in your output?) It should be 227x227.

sportbilly13 commented 7 years ago

No In the def train view_ = tf.placeholder('float32', shape=(None, V, 227, 227, 3), name='im0')

and in the model is call the conv1 conv1 = _conv('conv1', view, [11, 11, 3, 96], [1, 4, 4, 1], 'VALID', reuse=reuse) Thanks

WeiTang114 commented 7 years ago

@sportbilly13 I tested conv2d and find while I do this I get the same error:

a = tf.placeholder('float32', [None, 27,27,48])
k = tf.Variable(np.zeros((5,5,48,256)), dtype='float32')

# This get the same error with yours
tf.nn.conv2d(a,a,[1,1,1,1], padding='SAME')

# This is fine
tf.nn.conv2d(a,k,[1,1,1,1], padding='SAME')

Thus I guess the reason of the error is you convolve(i, k) at line 88 unexpectedly runs like convolve(i, i). I did not get how this happen and need more testing. Maybe it's from some difference between python2 and python3? (I'm using python2.7). Could you try it with python2?

sportbilly13 commented 7 years ago

Thanks very much I will try it with python 2 and also search a little bit more if I could find something. I will let you know