WeiWei060512 / NUMTs-detection

Detecting NUMTs from WGS
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question about breakpoints #1

Closed nihilee closed 1 year ago

nihilee commented 1 year ago

Dear author, I am confused about the large length between breakpoints of NUMTs when I read the paper and code, because searchNumtCluster_fromDiscordantReads.py and searchBreakpoint_fromblatoutputs.py should only output breakpoints within 1000bp? but actually many breakpoints in the paper Supplementary Tables with large distance even different chrom... Could you tell me where these breakpoints come from?

WeiWei060512 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for your interest of our work. We used 1000bp to cluster different NUMTs. We didn't set up any distance between two breakpoints.
