WeiliWw / VirHostMatcher-Net

VirHostMatcher-Net: A network-based computational tool for predicting virus-host interactions.
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Running VirHostMatcher-Net with a personal genome list #22

Closed miczuppi closed 2 years ago

miczuppi commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have sequenced both the bacteriome and the phageome of my samples, and I would like to assess which bacteria in the sample is infected by which phage. I was then thinking to use VirHostMatcher-Net on my phages using, for the -l GENOME_LIST flag, a personal genome list created from my bacteriome. Would that be possible?

Thank you for your time.

Michele Zuppi

WeiliWw commented 2 years ago

Hi Michele,

Unfortunately the tool does not support adding new bacterial genomes. You will need to prepare the following data:

And then calculate the score with the formula and parameters.

Best, Weili