Weiming-Hu / AnalogsEnsemble

The C++ and R packages for parallel ensemble forecasts using Analog Ensemble
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Printing readable dates for Forecasts and Observations #85

Closed Weiming-Hu closed 4 years ago

Weiming-Hu commented 4 years ago

When printing RAnEn Forecasts, it is better to use the automatic format from POSIXct.

This is what we have right now:

> forecasts
Forecasts :
$Data: [13 parameter, 1 stations, 730 times, 24 flts]
$ParameterNames: [13] WDIR WSPD TMP RH PRES GUST
$ParameterCirculars: [1] WDIR
$StationNames: ** empty **
$Xs: [1] -73.99
$Ys: [1] 40.72
$Times: [730] 1421280000 1421366400 1421452800 1421539200 1421625600 1421712000
$FLTs: [24] 10800 21600 32400 43200 54000 64800

With POSIXct, it is going to be

> head(forecasts$Times)
[1] "2015-01-15 UTC" "2015-01-16 UTC" "2015-01-17 UTC" "2015-01-18 UTC" "2015-01-19 UTC" "2015-01-20 UTC"
Weiming-Hu commented 4 years ago

This is resolved in cc5d169c01be8ac2dc61cac4ffa1d6e6452224ca