WelehoBRUDER / Dungeons-of-Tavaraen

2d rpg rogue-lite i'm making, trello: https://trello.com/b/iuTZDBwn/dungeons-of-tavaraen
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Copy speed system from ToME #25

Closed WelehoBRUDER closed 2 years ago

WelehoBRUDER commented 2 years ago

Since this game is a bootleg Tales of Maj'Eyal at this point, I suppose it'd be ideal to add some variety to things by creating a similar "speed" system in the game. How speed would work: 100% / 1x - Normal speed, everything works as before. > 100 More than normal speed and you start getting "speed points" with every action, these points will accumulate until you get a full turn from them. Different speed points will be tracked for different actions, like movement and attacking. Moving when you have full movement points will not consume your points, but will disable any speed gain for one turn. If for example you have 200% movement speed, then every other turn you'll move for free. With 300% movement speed you get to move twice without ending your turn, and the third will pass a turn. < 100 -Less speed will have the opposite effect, you'll start losing speed points until you reach something like -100, at which point the action this is for will merely make a turn pass and reset the counter. At 0% movement speed you for example can't move, no matter what. At 50% speed, you'd be unable to move every 2 turns or so.

What's the point of adding this? Well, it will spice up gameplay, I can use this to for example make enemies that sometimes take two steps towards you in a single turn, thus meaning you can't outrun them normally. Or, I could make enemies that are so slow that there's no way you couldn't outrun them.

Also setting up another issue that relates to this.