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Nextcloud Integration #452

Open Niclas-M1 opened 1 month ago

Niclas-M1 commented 1 month ago

Describe the solution you'd like

Integration (Service) for Nextcloud

Describe alternatives you've considered

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Additional context

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VanillaChan6571 commented 1 month ago

Nextcloud is a premium, most likely wont be added by default of wemx.

You could ask around the people who make addons for wemx, they most likely could build you one.

EWANZO101 commented 1 month ago

thats wrong Nextcloud is free and open source

EWANZO101 commented 1 month ago

filecloud is not

VanillaChan6571 commented 1 month ago

thats wrong Nextcloud is free and open source

image You mean pay to have open source?? What are you on about?

Niclas-M1 commented 1 month ago

thats wrong Nextcloud is free and open source

image You mean pay to have open source?? What are you on about?

If you self host it, it is free and you have the full Code

EWANZO101 commented 1 month ago

you honstly need to look into it before u comment and try argue with someone who has used it before its free i used to use it all the time before i changed things

VanillaChan6571 commented 1 month ago

you honstly need to look into it before u comment and try argue with someone who has used it before its free i used to use it all the time before i changed things

Nextcloud is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL).

Since its AGPL, if you offer a service based on Nextcloud and make customizations, you need to make that code available.

Which most likely wemx won't do.

Its FREE as a Personal Use, if you are planning to use Wemx w/ Nextcloud it will be an issue since it will fall under the "Enterprise/ Commercial Usage" of AGPL/Nextcloud.

EWANZO101 commented 1 month ago

Nextcloud is open source - there is no legal limit to your use of Nextcloud. We simply !!!warn users of large installations that if they rely on Nextcloud, they should consider getting a subscription to ensure they have a solution that is enterprise-grade

" stop pulling up shit that means shit all its no diffrent from proxmox where they suggest the same thing "