WenchaoD / FSCalendar

A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
MIT License
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[BUG] FS calendar still not show in newest version???? #1382

Open fukemy opened 1 year ago

fukemy commented 1 year ago

The following informations are requested in a bug report

I have set toDay date in viewDidload, then called reloadData(). but not working

Here is my code:

//  BDatePicker.swift
//  Bindr
//  Created by James Kauten on 12/17/16.
//  Copyright © 2016 Kauten Creations. All rights reserved.

import UIKit
import PopupDialog

/// Combine the day, month, year from date with the hours, minutes, seconds, of
/// time
/// - parameters:
///   - date: the date to get the day month year from
///   - time: the date to get the hours minutes seconds from
func combine(date: Date, time: Date) -> Date {
    let cal = Calendar.current
    var dateComponents = cal.dateComponents([.day, .month, .year], from: date)
    let timeComponents = cal.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: time)

    dateComponents.hour = timeComponents.hour
    dateComponents.minute = timeComponents.minute
    dateComponents.second = 0

    return cal.date(from: dateComponents)!

/// A class to select a date a time with prettier UI
public class UIPopupDatePicker: UIViewController {

    /// the popup that this picker is contained in
    var popup: PopupDialog!

    /// Handle a press to the clear button
    @IBAction func clearPressed() {
        if let completion = handler {
        popup.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

    /// the header label
    @IBOutlet weak var header: UILabel!

    /// the text on the header label
    public var headerText: String? {
        get {
            return header.text
        set {
            header.text = newValue

    /// Handle a press to the 'today' button
    @IBAction func todayPressed() {
        date = .today5min

    /// the day selection agent
    @IBOutlet var calendar: FSCalendar! {
        didSet {
            let hvnl = "HelveticaNeue-Light"
            calendar.appearance.headerTitleFont = UIFont(name: hvnl, size: 12.0)!
            calendar.appearance.weekdayFont = UIFont(name: hvnl, size: 18.0)!

    /// the time selection agent
    @IBOutlet var timePicker: UIDatePicker! {
        didSet {
            // try to make the two ugly lines invisible on the picker view
            if timePicker.subviews.count >= 1 {
                if timePicker.subviews[0].subviews.count >= 2 {
                    timePicker.subviews[0].subviews[1].isHidden = true
                    timePicker.subviews[0].subviews[2].isHidden = true

    /// a constraint determining if the time picker should be used
    @IBOutlet weak private var pickerHeight: NSLayoutConstraint!

    /// A boolean attribute determining whether the time picker is enabled
    public var isPickerEnabled: Bool {
        get {
            return pickerHeight.constant == 61
        set {
            if newValue {
                pickerHeight.constant = 61
            } else {
                pickerHeight.constant = 0

    /// the current date
    public var date: Date {
        set {
            timePicker.setDate(newValue, animated: true)
        get {
            return combine(date: calendar.selectedDate!, time: timePicker.date)

    /// Dismiss the view controller with no changes made
    @IBAction func cancelPressed() {
        popup.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

    /// Handle a press to the done button
    @IBAction func donePressed() {
        popup.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

    /// Handles 'saving'
    var handler: ((Date?)->Void)?

    /// Setup the view after it's loaded into memory
    override public func viewDidLoad() {

    /// Display a new date picker on top of an existing view controller
    /// - parameters:
    ///   - viewController: the view controller to present on top of
    ///   - date: the date to display
    ///   - block: the function to handle completion
    public class func show(on viewController: UIViewController,
                           with date: Date?=nil,
                           block handler: @escaping ((Date?)->Void)) -> UIPopupDatePicker {
      // load the view from the storyboard
      let name = String(describing: classForCoder())
      let bundle = Bundle(for: UIPopupDatePicker.self)
      let storyboard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: name, bundle: bundle)
      let vc = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController()
      let picker = vc as! UIPopupDatePicker

      // create the popup
      let popup = PopupDialog.init(viewController: picker, tapGestureDismissal: false)
      picker.popup = popup
      picker.handler = handler
      if let _date = date {
          picker.date = _date.roundedAbout5Min
      if let calendar = picker.calendar{
      // present the view controller
      viewController.present(popup, animated: true, completion: nil)
      // return the picker for further config
      return picker

phanlinh9011 commented 1 year ago

Same here