WenjiaWang0312 / TextZoom

[ECCV2020] A super-resolution dataset of paired LR-HR scene text images
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demo.py lr->sr lr的识别效果竟然比SR好很多 sr基本上什么都识别不出来 好奇怪 这是为什么 就好像l sr换了位置 #66

Open feifeifei1113 opened 1 year ago

feifeifei1113 commented 1 year ago

用训练好的textzoom的权重 测试的时候达到了70%以上的准确度 但是在跑demo.py时 依旧测试textzoom数据时 输出的预测结果 lr---》sr lr的预测结果准确很多 sr的结果基本上都是错的 都是the 这种单词 是怎么回事呀 求助!

feifeifei1113 commented 1 year ago

纠正不是demo.py 是demo模式

Lz-2019317 commented 1 year ago


1193700079 commented 1 year ago

In my case, the precision of the SR (Super-Resolution) model has consistently been much lower than the precision of the LR (Low-Resolution) model. Excuse me, did you resolve it?