Given the similarity of the variable names, the number of FORMOSA scintillator bars along X and Y was being read from that of the FASER2 tracking stations. As result, instead of the nominal 20 bars, only 7 were in the geometry. The total cross-section was 35cm x 35cm instead of 1m x 1m.
This might affect the muon acceptance study, as more detector material now sits between FLArE and FASER2. The previous result showed small effects from the addition/removal of FORMOSA+FASERnu2. Now the effect might be slightly larger.
On top of that, all recent screenshots of the FPF cavern options are wrong and must be corrected 😢
Given the similarity of the variable names, the number of FORMOSA scintillator bars along X and Y was being read from that of the FASER2 tracking stations. As result, instead of the nominal 20 bars, only 7 were in the geometry. The total cross-section was 35cm x 35cm instead of 1m x 1m.
This might affect the muon acceptance study, as more detector material now sits between FLArE and FASER2. The previous result showed small effects from the addition/removal of FORMOSA+FASERnu2. Now the effect might be slightly larger.
On top of that, all recent screenshots of the FPF cavern options are wrong and must be corrected 😢