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关于Ek、ENa、和EL取值的争议 #64

Closed HoutonBosta closed 7 months ago

HoutonBosta commented 11 months ago

当在网上查找HH model的相关数据时,会发现Ek、ENa和EL的数据存在差异,我在网上查找了一下资料有如下解释: The parameters ENa, EK, and EL are the reversal potentials. Reversal potentials and conductances are empirical parameters. In Table [2.1]. These values are based on a voltage scale where the resting potential is zero. To get the values accepted today, the voltage scale has to be shifted by -65 mV. For example, the corrected value of the sodium reversal potential is ENa = 50 mV that of the potassium ions is EK = - 77 mV. image

这个问题困扰了我很久,希望能够给大家带来帮助! 来源:https://lcnwww.epfl.ch/gerstner/SPNM/node14.html

Physics-Lee commented 11 months ago

这个资料里, $E{Na+}, E{K+}, EL$ 的值都加上了65mV,目的是把-65mV的resting potential写成0mV,有点类似于高中选取重力势能零点。但在此处这么做没什么意义,因为 $V$, $E{Na+}, E_{K+}, E_L$ 是细胞膜内外的电势差,是一个不管你选哪里为电势零点都不变的量。

Physics-Lee commented 11 months ago

