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Problem Set 2 #7

Closed wenquan closed 5 years ago

wenquan commented 6 years ago

The new problem set can be found here

H248836867 commented 6 years ago

a question N个granules是按照完全相同不考虑顺序来计算还是按照各不相同考虑。顺序来计算? 就是假设3个粒细胞,组合123和321算不算相同的combination

wenquan commented 6 years ago

I guess you misunderstood the problem. Let's consider two granule cells a and b, and three mossy fiber inputs 1, 2, 3. Each granule cell receives two inputs. Then a and b could have the following three combinations 12, 23, 13.

Note 12 and 21 are the same combination.

H248836867 commented 6 years ago

所以 a细胞是 12 inputs,b 也是12 inputs,这是符合题目要求的情况吗 还有a是12 b是23 与a是23 b是12属于两种不同情况还是算一种情况

wenquan commented 6 years ago

a细胞是 12 inputs,b 也是12 inputs,这表明这a,b receive the same combinations of inputs

a是12 b是23 与a是23 b是12属于两种不同情况

hzy1146 commented 6 years ago

a question : granule cells 细胞数N是不是一定大于(M K)(二项式系数).

wenquan commented 6 years ago

@hzy1146 No, it is the opposite.

wenquan commented 6 years ago

Note that last question there is a small error. Corrected.

Bnetplayer5180954 commented 5 years ago

a question: 第2问中要求画出图像并指出最大值位置, 是否需要高精度处理绘制完整图像; 还是对K的取值有所限制(前文描述"only a handful of mossy fibers”)

BadFreak commented 5 years ago

another question: "the convergence of a granule cell K"指的是 有K个convergence吗?那为什么convergence的个数会和 每个粒细胞从所有mossy fibers中选择输入个数K 恰好相同呢?

BadFreak commented 5 years ago


wenquan commented 5 years ago

convergence of a granule cell = the number of inputs to a granule cell. Each granule cell receives K mossy fiber inputs, selected from the total M ones.

wenquan commented 5 years ago

@Bnetplayer5180954 Ask yourself, for given M, when does reach its maximum?

Bnetplayer5180954 commented 5 years ago

@wenquan my problem is, if theoretical proof alone is fine or plot image is required to actually "show" the maximum, where a lot of work on high precision calculation is needed?

wenquan commented 5 years ago

@Bnetplayer5180954 You can choose numerical calculation using small M and N to complement your analytical argument.

Vic0814 commented 5 years ago


Peter-Fung commented 5 years ago

