WenmuZhou / PAN.pytorch

A unofficial pytorch implementation of PAN(PSENet2): Efficient and Accurate Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection with Pixel Aggregation Network
Apache License 2.0
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GPU显存占满,但利用率低 #30

Open mrwu-mac opened 4 years ago

mrwu-mac commented 4 years ago

batch_size设为4,pin_memory=true, num_workers=8, 现在GPU利用率一直在1%左右,你们有这样的情况吗?

xuatpham commented 4 years ago

@Dany119 I'm facing the same issue, have you solved it?

adijindal30 commented 3 years ago

Facing the same issue, anyone solved it yet?

xuatpham commented 3 years ago

@adijindal30 it seems like the data is loaded into GPU but it's still waiting for the "post-processing" step to finish, I think it's a bottleneck.