WenyanLiu / CCFrank4dblp

Displays the China Computer Federation (CCF) recommended rank of international conferences and journals in the dblp, Google Scholar, Connected Papers and and Web of Science search results.
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部分会议无法显示 #61

Open junqi-ma opened 1 year ago

junqi-ma commented 1 year ago

普适计算会议UbiComp录取的文章统一发表于ACM会刊 Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 上,因此目前无法在Google Scholar和DBLP上显示

lovelxc commented 1 year ago


junqi-ma commented 1 year ago

应该为CCF A 文章: [1] RESEARCH-ARTICLE SHARE ON Ensembles of Deep LSTM Learners for Activity Recognition using Wearables. IMWUT/UbiComp 2017 [2] LoRa Backscatter: Enabling The Vision of Ubiquitous Connectivity. IMUWT/UbiComp 2017 [3] IndoTrack: Device-Free Indoor Human Tracking with Commodity Wi-Fi. IMUWT/UbiComp 2017

lovelxc commented 1 year ago

我看了一下,据北大计算机 说:

从2017 年起开始采用新的发表方式,每年的会议文章由 IMWUT (Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies) 期刊录用,并邀请全部作者参会。

"journals/imwut" 似乎就是从2017之后,开始”成为“UbiComp这个A会的,那么应该增加一个虚空A刊 IMWUT 来显示他是CCF A等级

实际上,我个人认为从2017之后 UbiComp==IMWUT,甚至于IMWUT > UbiComp,因为在dblp的数据中,UbiComp2017之后的文章几乎都是不超过5页的,和 IMWUT 的质量没法比

junqi-ma commented 1 year ago
