WerWolv / EdiZon_CheatsConfigsAndScripts

The official EdiZon Editor Config and Editor Script repository.
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Super Mario Odyssey #61

Closed AcK77 closed 5 years ago

AcK77 commented 5 years ago

Save Struct

The save file got a 0x10 bytes header and a byml file after that. Header struct is:

Offset Size Description
0x00 u32 CRC32 checkum from 0x04 to EndOfFile
0x04 u32 Version? (Always 0x01)
0x08 u32 Save file size
0x0C u32 Byml section size


To parse the byml, you have to use byml-v2.py by leoetlino to get an object with all the save value inside. This looks like:

    'AchievementSaveData': [{
        'GetTime': 1510358823,
        'IsGet': True,
        'Name': 'Scenario_Ending'
    }, {
        'GetTime': 1514860862,
        'IsGet': True,
        'Name': 'Scenario_WorldAll'
    }, {
        'GetTime': 1512769379,
        'IsGet': True,
        'Name': 'Shine_Gather_1'
    }, {
        'GetTime': 1512769388,
        'IsGet': True,
        'Name': 'Shine_Gather_2'
    }, {
        'GetTime': 1514860870,
        'IsGet': True,
        'Name': 'Shine_Gather_3'

... and more


After modified the byml object data, you have to convert back the object to the binary byml and then rewrite the sizes stored in the header. You don't need to recompute the save checksum since the game don't check it! (I haven't try to set it to 0x00000000)

Config & Script


Right now the current script support edit of Coins, purchasable Items / Clothes / Caps / Stickers. There are a lot of values who can be edited too, like the collectibles coins, stars, etc... You can get the byml object content by uncomment this line and then read it in sd://EdiZon/EdiZon.log.