Open scientificworld opened 1 year ago
Cannot reproduce this issue on windows.
imhex 1.33.0 a7033b6
Cannot reproduce this issue on windows.
imhex 1.33.0 a7033b6
I just tried to open the file in GUI, and it didn't crash.
But when I try to pass the file as argument on command line, it still crashes.
Stack trace:
[10:55:54] [FATAL] [main | Main] ImHex crashed during initial setup!
Error: Received signal 'SIGSEGV' (11)
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 0 imhex 0x000000010464b4ac _ZN3hex10stacktrace13getStackTraceEv + 64
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 1 imhex 0x00000001046433b8 _ZN3hex5crash11handleCrashERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEE + 44
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 2 imhex 0x0000000104644524 _ZN3hex5crashL13signalHandlerEiRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEE + 232
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 3 imhex 0x000000010464441c _ZZN3hex5crash18setupCrashHandlersEvEN3$_08__invokeEi + 60
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 4 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x000000018a24b4a4 _sigtramp + 56
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 5 builtin.hexplug 0x000000010d208ae8 _ZN3hex2ui10ToastErrorC2ENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEE + 52
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 6 builtin.hexplug 0x000000010d2088cc _ZN3hex5ToastINS_2ui10ToastErrorEE4openIJNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEEEEvDpOT_ + 80
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 7 builtin.hexplug 0x000000010d23f9c8 _ZN3hex6plugin7builtinL8openFileERKNSt3__14__fs10filesystem4pathE + 956
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 8 imhex 0x000000010465505c _ZNK3hex4impl5EventIJNSt3__14__fs10filesystem4pathEEEclENS2_17basic_string_viewIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEEEES5_ + 76
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 9 imhex 0x000000010466bd2c _ZN3hex12EventManager4postINS_15RequestOpenFileEJRNSt3__14__fs10filesystem4pathEEEEvDpOT0_ + 240
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 10 imhex 0x000000010466b784 _ZN3hex4init21handleFileOpenRequestEv + 40
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 11 imhex 0x000000010466bed0 _ZN3hex4init8runImHexEv + 296
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 12 imhex 0x000000010462f9d0 main + 408
[10:55:55] [FATAL] [main | Main] 13 dyld 0x00000001049cd08c start + 520
imhex 1.33.2 8802a8e
Operating System
What's the issue you encountered?
When filename contains too many non-ASCII characters, the program will trigger a SIGSEGV and crash.
How can the issue be reproduced?
Create a file with many non-ASCII characters in its name, e.g.
ImHex Version
ImHex Build Type
Installation type
Homebrew Cask
Additional context?
No response