WerewolvesRevamped / Werewolves-Roles

The role book for Werewolves Revamped
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Alchemist Re-Suggestion #1173

Open CrowdfordBot opened 1 year ago

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: Re-Suggestion of the previously denied Alchemist from #"762-Alchemist"

Basically a role that can use the power of an arbitrary werewolf.

I think this idea could be quite interesting, if we make it an imitation, where it gains a strong disguise and is seen as a lycan.

This way it would also the lycan part of Rogue Wolf <#1135724629630128168> much better as it couldn't just proof itself with its power.

One issue with the old Alchemist was the low amount of useful powers, but since then we've added a few more roles that it could use as powers + there's a bunch of roles which would be useful to imitate with the disguise (Warlock-imitating Alchemist is different from just a Fortune Teller if there's other investigative powers)

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: All of these would be useful now

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: Additionally: • Alpha Wolf (a bit op maybe) • CF (nerfed FT) • DF • PT (nerfed Tanner) • Recluse
• Lone Wolf (with modifications ig) • Lone Warlock (with modifications ig) • Saboteur Wolf (useless, I think? but maybe not) • Wolf Cub (a debuff for town) • Baroness • Gallant Fox • Greater Coyote

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: All the powers should pretty much work immediately without complications if we add "any ability or situations that would result in a role change caused by the role the Alchemist is imitating will instead just result in a loss of the power/imitation"

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago


Additionally: • Alpha Wolf (a bit op maybe) • CF (nerfed FT) • DF • PT (nerfed Tanner) • Recluse
• Lone Wolf (with modifications ig) • Lone Warlock (with modifications ig) • Saboteur Wolf (useless, I think? but maybe not) • Wolf Cub (a debuff for town) • Baroness • Gallant Fox • Greater Coyote

maybe we can change AW to redirection of the lynch since that's the town sided poll

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: nah

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: If we start doing things like that it's going to get overcomplicated

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: fair

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: This role is most useful for other players or even in games where it is not, since it adds uncertaintiy for whether a wolf is really a wolf or not

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: disguises are supposed to help with that, but more often than not they are used to hide, so most of the time anyone seen as wolf is a wolf

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: Rogue Wolf was supposed to do the same, but it will never completely work there as the killing mechanic is confirmable

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: the Alchemist power can be confirmable too, but you wouldn't know if it was a wolf or an alchemist

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: I suggest if we add WC then KW and ScW should be added

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: <@242983689921888256> 1) would it be www style imitation with a strong disguise too? 2a) would fox alchemists gain the join pack ability 2b) also would they feed info to pack 3) Do we go with all packless and give tanner the PT ability instead, mostly because Packless abilitys seem to be the useful ones 4) We removed TC because a town aligned WC sucked idt we should add it back

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago


I suggest if we add WC then KW and ScW should be added

ignore this see 3 AF and Recluse are better anyway

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago


I suggest if we add WC then KW and ScW should be added

already listed in the first list

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago


All the powers should pretty much work immediately without complications if we add "any ability or situations that would result in a role change caused by the role the Alchemist is imitating will instead just result in a loss of the power/imitation"

1) yes strong disguise + gaining the lycan attribute 2a) the join pack ability is made useless by this 2b) yes 3) what 4) yeah, but it could theoretically exist

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

shapechange: wait, an alchemist imitating a fox would be able to join pack?

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

shapechange: that seems like the worst idea ever suggested in the history of werewolves

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

shapechange: oh nvm did you just phrase your answer to 2a really badly

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago


1) yes strong disguise + gaining the lycan attribute 2a) the join pack ability is made useless by this 2b) yes 3) what 4) yeah, but it could theoretically exist

3) was the suggestion that it copies packless wolves instead, since you also missed off lots of pack wolves fsr I thought this is the direction you were going

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: which ones did I miss that would do anything?

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: oh nvm

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: they're on the image

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: I dont have InfW bc its useless

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: yeah it was me not reading the image

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: cf is more interesting cause of 0 and 1 votes now

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago


cf is more interesting cause of 0 and 1 votes now


CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: town can basically eliminate a wolf vote if they wanted rather than giving them -1

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: do you mean CW?

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: oh yeah CW

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: What I think is really interesting about this is that it makes it possible for e.g. a CW to claim Alchemist and just use their CW action to confirm themselves

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: also tanner is basically huntsman with a disguise

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago


What I think is really interesting about this is that it makes it possible for e.g. a CW to claim Alchemist and just use their CW action to confirm themselves

oh yeah

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: We could add cca

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: no

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: did a single person like it?

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: wolves did

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

e_thsn: jay even suggested adding it as a variant role

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

mctsts: you can always open a feeedback and discussion thread for it 🙂

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago


jay even suggested adding it as a variant role

did i? because i think that's a very bad idea

CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago


did i? because i think that's a very bad idea


CrowdfordBot commented 1 year ago

shapechange: well i no longer think that

CrowdfordBot commented 9 months ago

mctsts: <@544125116640919557>

CrowdfordBot commented 9 months ago

e_thsn: I feel like this role is a bit meh just cause in an open list it will always be 50/50 cause a wolf will claim it and the actual role will claim it

CrowdfordBot commented 9 months ago

mctsts: postponed