WerewolvesRevamped / Werewolves-Roles

The role book for Werewolves Revamped
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hags discussion s10g7 #1220

Closed CrowdfordBot closed 10 months ago

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: I dont think they are that great of a role, but i dont think theres much more I'd want to change about them other than maybe moving them back to UAA based on our recent discussions of formalizing/defining role categories. are there any thoughts or concerns after this recent game

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

huckhuck55: Imo, 3 hags are better than 2.

The last game was unlucky due to them being missed by all attacks. That said, they do create a forced level of inactivity due to people being afraid of hitting the hags and wronging them. So that’s perhaps an issue. But mechanically speaking, I think they are cool. But perhaps they are what slowed this game down so much? 🤷‍♂️

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: they are an issue but i dont think theres any changes to be made that could fix such an issue

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: other than revamping the role

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

huckhuck55: I mean. They also do create a huge loss for anyone that hits them. Cuz like. If you wrong them, adding 1-2 more ppl against your alignment… that’s hard to recover from.

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: as a whole they are problematic, but as for improving them while still retaining the same wincon

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: i dont know how much room there is to do so

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: cuz the wincon itself might be the issue

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: having 2 of them instead of 3 does reduce the problemt hough

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: they kind of just take up space in the role list while also not interacting with the game very much

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: if anyhing they kind of reduce motivation to interact with the game, to some extent

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

shapechange: i think this was a really bad game to use hags in, i think all the issues you guys have with them don't happen in lists that are suited to them, and honestly you almost seem to be making up issues based on what you THINK COULD happen rather than what we see DOES happen

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

shapechange: this was a bad game for hags because a) there were only two of them, meaning that in the process of getting wronged they would necessarily be reduced to a 1p team b) this was too small of a game to use hags in - three hags in a 24p list seems like the minimum to me honestly

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago


they kind of just take up space in the role list while also not interacting with the game very much

i think this issue does hold though to some extent, through most of their games

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago


Imo, 3 hags are better than 2.

The last game was unlucky due to them being missed by all attacks. That said, they do create a forced level of inactivity due to people being afraid of hitting the hags and wronging them. So that’s perhaps an issue. But mechanically speaking, I think they are cool. But perhaps they are what slowed this game down so much? 🤷‍♂️

I don't know where you're getting this forced inactivity thing because it didn't happen at all and never has - no team this game or in others deliberately forewent actions because they were worried it could cause a hag wronging.

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago


i think this issue does hold though to some extent, through most of their games

I think it's true that they're not necessarily super impactful roles, but I don't think they're any less impactful than most unaligned. Your point about them taking up space in a list doesn't hold when you put them in larger lists.

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: so the main thing to improve on if possible, it so get them to interact with the game more, because for them its kind of better to sit back and wait to see who's closer to winning at endgame before doing something

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: either that or one randomly dies accidentally and they just become a townsfolk member or wolf member except that they want to live more badly

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: in the case where they side against town, its probably gameover for town right then and there, which is pretty volatile

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

huckhuck55: i mean, if i was to play a hag i would be out there being sus AF, to get killed. i think its just a difference of playstyles on who gets the role.

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago


I don't know where you're getting this forced inactivity thing because it didn't happen at all and never has - no team this game or in others deliberately forewent actions because they were worried it could cause a hag wronging.

and for this, maybe im trying to justify why the game had a lot of inactivity. idk

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

shapechange: the game had inactivity, not inaction

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

shapechange: every single nightly action was used every night this game

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

captainluffy: upon further thinking, i think it might be the opposite, it could provide more discussion because ur trying harder not to random kill than usual

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

huckhuck55: i really do like hags, they seem like a really interesting role to me.

but your point jay on them being in much larger games makes a lot more sense. and yeah, 3 hags, agreed

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

mctsts: I think the conclusion on this thread is that the game wasn't a great test

CrowdfordBot commented 10 months ago

mctsts: So I think we can close this