WerewolvesRevamped / Werewolves-Roles

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New Ravenkeeper #1364

Open CrowdfordBot opened 2 months ago

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: https://github.com/WerewolvesRevamped/Werewolves-Roles/blob/main/limited/ravenkeeper

Im gonna post this without contents to get a nicer view

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: Ravenkeeper | Townsfolk Power | Limited Basics Each night, the Ravenkeeper may assign one of its ravens to a player. The Ravenkeeper will learn if an ability is used on of the players with a raven. Details The Ravenkeeper starts out with 1 raven for every 5 players in the game (rounded down). Each night, the Ravenkeeper may assign one raven to another player. Assigning a raven is an immediate effect. The first time an ability is used on a player with a raven, the raven heads back to the Ravenkeeper and lets the Ravenkeeper learn the type of ability that was used and which player it was used on. Ravens can usually only report on one ability, except when several abilities are used at the same time at the end of a phase (in this case the Ravenkeeper will learn all the ability types, but not duplicates). The Ravenkeeper is affected by redirections, however the Ravenkeeper will know a raven got redirected when it returns and reports on an ability. If there are several Ravenkeepers, their ravens are separate. During the day, the Ravenkeeper may recall a raven. Recalling is an immediate effect. The Ravenkeeper cannot send several ravens to the same player, and attempting to do so results in failure.

Simplified Each night, the Ravenkeeper may assign a raven to a player. When an ability is used on a player with a raven, the raven returns, infomring the Ravenkeeper of the ability type.

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago


Ravenkeeper | Townsfolk Power | Limited Basics Each night, the Ravenkeeper may assign one of its ravens to a player. The Ravenkeeper will learn if an ability is used on of the players with a raven. Details The Ravenkeeper starts out with 1 raven for every 5 players in the game (rounded down). Each night, the Ravenkeeper may assign one raven to another player. Assigning a raven is an immediate effect. The first time an ability is used on a player with a raven, the raven heads back to the Ravenkeeper and lets the Ravenkeeper learn the type of ability that was used and which player it was used on. Ravens can usually only report on one ability, except when several abilities are used at the same time at the end of a phase (in this case the Ravenkeeper will learn all the ability types, but not duplicates). The Ravenkeeper is affected by redirections, however the Ravenkeeper will know a raven got redirected when it returns and reports on an ability. If there are several Ravenkeepers, their ravens are separate. During the day, the Ravenkeeper may recall a raven. Recalling is an immediate effect. The Ravenkeeper cannot send several ravens to the same player, and attempting to do so results in failure.

Simplified Each night, the Ravenkeeper may assign a raven to a player. When an ability is used on a player with a raven, the raven returns, infomring the Ravenkeeper of the ability type.

if a player dies without being attacked, the raven returns without a report

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: why

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

e_thsn: otherwise it's just lost right?

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: if you die by death its just a kill killing not a killless death

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: most insane sentence every said

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

e_thsn: I was thinking like priest suicide, lynch, plague death ect where no action is used on you

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: no thats a kill killing

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: possibly even a true kill killing

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: lynch may be the only exception

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: ~lynch

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

e_thsn: so it would be reported that @player was killed @player was true killed

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: yes

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: hm lynch poll uses Lynch @Winner

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

e_thsn: @player was lynched

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: oh yeah Lynch is just a killing subtype

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: forgot the killing syntax was

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: so Lynch @Winner is just a lynch killing

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

e_thsn: how do we deal with powers with specific ability types like exorcised or hooker sleeping with

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: you mean an ungrant granting

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: wait no

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: a remove applying

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: exorcising is just a remove applying

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: so really its just an applying

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: hooker sleeping with is an absence protection

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: making it a protection

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

e_thsn: inchresting

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

e_thsn: self abilities like runner?

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: iirc those are just attributes

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: which are applied at the start

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: Killing Kill Killing Attack Killing Lynch Killing True Killing Investigating Role Investigating Alignment Investigating Category Investigating Class Investigating Count Investigating Attribute Investigating Targeting Target Targeting Untarget Targeting Disguising Protecting Absence Protecting Active Protecting Passive Protecting Partial Protecting Recruitment Protecting Applying Add Applying Remove Applying Change Applying Redirecting Vote Manipulating Absolute Vote Manipulating Relative Vote Manipulating Whispering Joining Add Joining Remove Joining Granting Add Granting Remove Granting Transfer Granting Loyalty Obstructing Poll Manipulating Addition Poll Manipulating Creation Poll Manipulating Cancelling Poll Manipulating Deletion Poll Manipulating Manipulation Poll Manipulating Announcements Changing Role Changing Alignment Changing Group Changing Copying Ability Copying Full Copying Choices Creating Choices Choosing Choices Ascend Descend Disband Counting Increment Counting Decrement Counting Set Counting Conversation Reset Cancel Switching

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: bold ones are valid ability types

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: there may be more now, its an old list

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

venomousbirds: any info message about valid ability types?

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

venomousbirds: or ones rake can see

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: We can limit it to some of the more common types

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

mctsts: Killings, investigations, targeting, disguising, protecting, applying, manipulation, granting, maybe

CrowdfordBot commented 2 months ago

venomousbirds: i thought to suggest "like coroner" but its quite a bit more than coroner