WerewolvesRevamped / Werewolves-Roles

The role book for Werewolves Revamped
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Make haunted gamemode a permanent feature #1368

Open CrowdfordBot opened 2 weeks ago

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

nick262008: While yes, I didnt die to know if it was great or not. I have to say that everyone who did end up dying had way more fun then any time they had while being dead. While the modifiers and the roles could be optional, I think this would be way more interactive then just waiting for the game to end.

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

mctsts: yeah that kinda was the goal

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

mctsts: we just need to make it so the ghosts can still actually do something meaningful

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

mctsts: this time they did continue playing which was great, but they couldnt really impact the living much

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

nick262008: well it kinda did, because we thought for a second that it was 2v2 in the graveyard and when kruthers got elected we were paranoid and skeptical about if invinci was actually stalker or not

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

nick262008: cuz if kruthers didnt get elected there we would had assumed that ddd was scum

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

mctsts: yeah that did something

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

mctsts: but that was sort of the only thing

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

mctsts: im considering a new version of poltergeist ( Revamp Poltergeist: Potential suggestion: the poltergeist may choose to phase to the world of the living. if it does so it haunts the tavern for the night and will be able to use its role ability as if it were ghostly) which makes interactions a bit more possible

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

shapechange: we're not making it a "permanent feature" in that we have it every game

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

shapechange: but we'll introduce it as an offseason option probably

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

nick262008: what if we instead just make it so the evil players HAVE to be banished in order for the town to win?

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

nick262008: or would it make it more evil sided?

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

shapechange: WAYY too evil sided

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

shapechange: it's not that it's unbalanced

CrowdfordBot commented 2 weeks ago

shapechange: it's that it's a) hard to balance b) has special/unique roles c) is a twist on the standard gameplay