WerewolvesRevamped / Werewolves-Roles

The role book for Werewolves Revamped
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unlimit flute charmer #1384

Open CrowdfordBot opened 5 days ago

CrowdfordBot commented 5 days ago

captainluffy: its been used plenty of times and hasnt been changed or faced complaints, i think its fine to unlimit it

CrowdfordBot commented 5 days ago

shapechange: with the promotion order change ( <#1284239870541299764> ) fc should be totally fine

CrowdfordBot commented 4 days ago

mctsts: I've not really watched the games with this role in much but it seems to be the least problematic solo secondary out of that batch for sure

CrowdfordBot commented 4 days ago

mctsts: seems fine to me if we do the two changes from the other thread

CrowdfordBot commented 4 days ago

captainluffy: https://github.com/WerewolvesRevamped/Werewolves-Roles/pull/1386

CrowdfordBot commented 4 days ago

mctsts: <@&1045732542399131769>

Unlimit Flute Charmer after it receives two changes:

• FPA's power also works with charmed players • FPA promotes before FPC does

CrowdfordBot commented 4 days ago



Unlimit Flute Charmer after it receives two changes:

• FPA's power also works with charmed players • FPA promotes before FPC does

Which is tertiary and secondary out of FPC and fpa

CrowdfordBot commented 4 days ago

mctsts: doesn't matter

CrowdfordBot commented 4 days ago

mctsts: that destiction has never really worked well

CrowdfordBot commented 4 days ago

shapechange: yeah it's not a rigid way of categorising roles

CrowdfordBot commented 4 days ago

shapechange: it's just a useful system for helping flesh out solo teams when making roles and lists

CrowdfordBot commented 4 days ago

e_thsn: Fair, I thought it would make it more consistent