WerewolvesRevamped / Werewolves-Roles

The role book for Werewolves Revamped
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new WM role #1401

Open CrowdfordBot opened 2 hours ago

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

WWR Sync: <@578133411110060033>

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: https://github.com/WerewolvesRevamped/Werewolves-Roles/issues/1401

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

captainluffy: I was just thinking wolf was lacking a counter to a lot of roles and this could help that

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: it does seem like there are some interesting interactions

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: journalist - granting ranger - revealing

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: journalist - granting ranger - revealing exorcist - exorcising fletcher - granting (technically) hooker - sleeping stalker - manipulation assassin, barber, cl, exe, huntress, mad scientist, priest, witch - killing witch - protection at, cs, ft, hm, ik, oracle - investigating

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago


journalist - granting ranger - revealing

Also journalist

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: on top of journalist and ranger?

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

captainluffy: Oh wait can oracle be redirected even

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: why not?

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

captainluffy: Wasn't sure if it was one of the immune roles

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: i think only whisper roles are immune generally

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: im convinced there are some interesting things it can do

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: but can it do so strategically?

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

captainluffy: I was thinking it could be called hunting wolf, and in lore it lies in wait to intercept an action

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: we have a HW already <:ghost_pensive:940601968752226314>

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

captainluffy: It can be huw

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

captainluffy: Would it block guardian too

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: depends on of if it checks the roles or the players alignment

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

captainluffy: What would you prefer

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: this would also affect fletcher's customer and cupid's lover if they have another extra role

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: idk

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

mctsts: probably player

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

captainluffy: In that case it'd be pretty helpful too

CrowdfordBot commented 2 hours ago

captainluffy: Though this role would require a lot of strategy to use properly