Closed CrowdfordBot closed 1 year ago
Vera but actually a frog: so that's 1 hag down
- There is normally 3 Hags and 3 teams. Meaning Hags will never turn Bitter, as it is incredibly likely all Hags are dead by the time all teams have wronged them.
Vera but actually a frog: in a 3p hag game, that's 3 hags -1 is 2 hags that can turn bitter max
Vera but actually a frog: that's 2 kills, 2 protect and 2 invests every night
Vera but actually a frog: arguably that's pretty strong*
in a 3p hag game, that's 3 hags -1 is 2 hags that can turn bitter max
oh wait, I forgot multiple teams can wrong the Hags through lynch
Vera but actually a frog: so becoming bitter is possible, however in all hag games, hags have claimed to some alignment once so that alignment ignores the hags, meaning there's no wronging left
arguably that's pretty strong*
I think the issue is how most of the time it is only 1 Bitter Hag
The8thSoul: If it even happened
Vera but actually a frog: with only 1 bitter hag its pretty okay-ish, however theres no need for the hags to use their protect on anyone except themselves
Vera but actually a frog: the kill every night is okay, i think
Vera but actually a frog: the invest, sure
Vera but actually a frog: but the protect is practically useless in the way that it will always be used to protect the hag
Vera but actually a frog: theres nothing that limits the protection spell from being used on the same hag every night
Vera but actually a frog: so i think bitter hag as is might be a bit too powerful
theres nothing that limits the protection spell from being used on the same hag every night
It could probably be used on themselves every night, practically making them immortal lol
Vera but actually a frog: it can only be killed by lynch
Vera but actually a frog: thats what i was saying
The8thSoul: ah ok
The8thSoul: I think the wording of the bitter hag role is either misleading or needs a little edit tho tbh
The8thSoul: Coz atm it's a bit ambiguous whether it meant each ability once per game or each ability once every night
The8thSoul: Tbh I think Bitter Hags should just be immortal at night and can choose either to attack or investigate a player every night
The8thSoul: It would probably simplify things a lot
Vera but actually a frog: thats the exact same as giving them an option to protect
Vera but actually a frog: its just that they have to input it
thats the exact same as giving them an option to protect
yes, but there is literally no point in having them protect anyone else
The8thSoul: They are solo anyways, protecting other players would only do harm than do any good at that point
The8thSoul: Also, I think having all three abilities at their disposal is a bit much
The8thSoul: Hence why they should only have the additional ability to attack or investigate a player each night, rather than being capable of doing both
The8thSoul: That way, they can either choose to go full on offensive and attack only, or check for info first before devising a strategy to slowly take down every other player
The8thSoul: Lore-wise, it also kinda makes sense to have a magical barrier, and only having time to attack or investigate one person each night
The8thSoul: (curses and divination)
The8thSoul: And one more thing:
The8thSoul: I think it balances it a lot more
The8thSoul: especially since the Bitter Hag will either be solo or in a pair
oh im just saying that i cant really imagine a change because we never used bh
We had that VIP game
Ts: also a MWR game
Vera but actually a frog: i dont think mini wolves is very representative of bh
Vera but actually a frog: i didnt remember it in vip
Vera but actually a frog: but its impossible to recreate bh like it happened in vip (hag got wronged by invest)
Ts: <@&1045732542399131769>
Change Bitter Hag to get to use the 3 abilities every night, instead of just once.
✅ Approve ⛔ Deny 🤷 Abstain
shapechange: sure why not
Ts: Approved
Ts: <:BitterHag:990716722543755354> Potentially buff BH