Closed LemADEC closed 5 years ago
Thanks for the information and suggested categories.
Most of these exclusions are because the mods don't currently have official support. A lot of these are big mods which only add one or two foods. I generally omit these because they add a lot to testing time, and have small payoff.
Both entries from Minecraft are intentionally skipped for balance reasons.
I do support Twilight Forest though so I will look into Experiment 115. At the time I think I wasn't sure what it was.
As of Nutrition-1.12.2-4.3.0, the following items are missing in the default configuration:
vegetables ic2:terra_wart (could be considered more like a fruit)
proteins minecraft:rotten_flesh (is it intended to be missing?) minecraft:spider_eye nuclearcraft:dominos (it's a meat pizza) twilightforest:experiment_115 (it's a self regenerating cake, could be animal of vegetable)
grains botania:manacookie (a.k.a. biscuit of totality) enderio:item_ender_food (a.k.a. enderios from milk, wheat & ender pearl) nuclearcraft:dominos xreliquary:glowing_bread
fruit integrateddynamics:menril_berries mysticalagriculture:*_apple wizardry:fairy_imbued_apple
dairy nuclearcraft:marshmallow (meat makes gelatine, add sugar to make marshmallow) enderio:item_ender_food
Also, it would be nice to have Bird's foods added, from